Friday, November 12, 2010


I don't know about you guys but I am so excited that it is the weekend.  This week has been a weird one for me, and I am ready to relax, watch some football, and eat some good food.  I guess this could be considered a practice for Thanksgiving.  (well minus most of that food).  Anyways.  I hope that everyone is coming up with creative ideas for the new contest. 

A reminder that if you are planning on going on the summer trips, talk to your parents because the first deadline is coming up soon.  (I believe that free t-shirts are included if you sign up now).  I hope that you guys will consider going.  It looks like a great time.

Also Sunday night youth at the youth house.  Normal time. 

Have a great weekend.  It should be beautiful weather!

~until later

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Contest - 12 days of Christmas

And now for the moment you have been waiting on...the rules for the newest contest.

There is a list of 12 tasks/items that your immediate family (those living in the house with you) need to capture with a camera.  This is based on your interpretation of the list and you may be as creative as you wish.

1. Get the family together and take pictures proving that you accomplished the task.  Each family member should be in each picture.
2. Once you have completed the list e mail them to
3. Complete the list by 12-15-10!
4. There will be multiple winners so get those pictures in.

The List
1. With a Christmas inflatable
2. Drinking hot chocolate on a couch
3. Bundled up in winter gear
4. On or with a tractor
5. Around Andy and Alison's car
6. With the BYG Youth House sign
7. With a llama or camel
8. With Santa
9. At your Thanksgiving Dinner
10. With a Nativity Scene
11. With an animal dressed for the holidays
12. With a Christmas Tree
I will post this on the side bar tomorrow so that you can keep going back to the list. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Catch up time...

I will try to be brief in my update.  Please forgive me for not posting recently.

1.  I have heard reports that the lock in was a great time.  The youth house was busting with activity and some great tournaments were played.  Once the youth moved to the church more games were played and a great time was had.

2.  I have updated the trivia game.  Since I have been on the road last week I missed a Tuesday, so everyone that was registered got 6 points for my mistake. 

3.  The "love your neighbor contest" ended with no winner.  No parent reported that a youth had done a good deed which implies that no youth read the rules to the contest.  A new contest will be posted tomorrow with the rules and end date of the contest.  It should be really fun for the entire family. 

4.  The packing party for Operation Christmas Child was great.  A lot of boxes were packed.  I believe a little over 100 boxes are ready to be sent to the processing center.

5.  There will be youth on Sunday the 14th.

6. Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  What are some things that you are thankful for and what are your plans for the holiday?

I will have more to post later once I am able to catch up with Andy and get some details of up coming events.  If you have an announcement please email me at and I will be happy to post for you.

~until later