Monday, December 29, 2008

Frostbite Night

It's time to kick off 2009 at youth and you're invited to 'Youth Frostbite Night'!!! The past few weeks have been unnaturally warm for the wintertime, so we're going to make things chilly ourselves.

Bundle up in your warmest clothes and come to the church at 6:30pm on Sunday, January 4 for games, music, snacks and discussion. We just might have to take this party outside!!!

Do your best eskimo impression by obnoxiously over-bundling and prepare to have a great time. All youth 6-12 grades are invited. We'll finish up around 7:30pm.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The best way to spread Christmas cheer...

Is to sing loud for all to hear! We need your beautiful voice and smiling face to join us as we travel around to different elderly church members homes and serenade them with their favorite Christmas tunes. I know what you're thinking: "I can't sing!" Buddy the elf's answer to you: "Sure you can, it's real easy. It's just like talking only you hold your words out and move your voice up and down!"
We'll leave the church at 4:30, go on tour, turn down some record deals, then return to the church for dinner. We'll be done by 6:30pm.