I have updated the trivia question on the side. Don't forget to e mail me the answer and if you haven't already signed up do so. It isn't too late to sign up. Prize for the winners will be given at the end of year party.
I have talked to Andy and he said that so far there is no winner for the latest contest. You still have time! A new contest will be posted at the beginning of November. Be ready for some adventure!
It isn't too late to sign up for the lock in.
What is your favorite haunted house memory? Leave a comment for all to read. I am not ashamed to admit that I hated haunted houses and had to be carried out of one when I was a little kid, I crawled under the wall of one and escaped back to the beginning where one of my parents was waiting.
E mail me pictures of your favorite costumes (or parents your kids most embarrassing pics from Halloween).
~until later
I went through a haunted house with my dad and brother when I was about 5. It was in an old house and in a corner where two hallways connected there was a pile of foam rubber mats. There was a guy hiding in there and would jump out at people when they stepped in the mats to get around the corner. I was so little that when I stepped in it I sank and my foot got caught. The guy didn't know I was young and popped out ans scared me, realized I was little and tried to get my foot unstuck. I thought he was trying to kill me and started freaking out. All the while my dad was behind me laughing his head off. Long story short, I got out and ran like crazy and all I heard was my dad laughing and the guy saying sorry...