Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Catching up....

I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldn't let me sign on and update so I have a lot of information to pass on, so bear with me if this gets long (I have learned from reading Andy's emails). 

Sunday worship was great.  Jackson Price did a wonderful job on a song that was posted not too long ago.  It was an awesome experience hearing all those voices sing along with him. 

Andy and Alison wanted me to pass on a huge thanks for everything on Andy and Alison day and for making Andy's job easier by being so active.  They had some confusion about who the "bad cop" is, but I overheard Alison ask Andrew Brame and he said she was definitely the "bad cop" thanks for clarifying that for those of us not in youth on Sunday nights.

That brings us to youth on Sunday night.  First a huge thanks to Audrey Ferreira for providing those teens with some yummy snacks.  A lot of discussion on Control...Do we feel like God is in complete control of our lives?  Why is it hard to let go and give things to God?  I have heard the middle school and the high school youth had great discussions about wishing they had more control in their lives and that some are working towards giving more control to God.  A huge thanks to those youth that were open and honest during this discussion time and for all the youth being there. 

The second trivia question has been posted on the side bar and the first answer has been revealed.  Check it out.  Email me your screen name and join in the game (  Since we only have two people signed up the next person that signs up might get a prize just for reading this post.  A prize for the winner of the trivia challenge will be handed out at the end of year party.  Also the contest ending at the lock in is posted on the side too.  Check it out and collect your prize at the lock in.  (Be on the lookout a new contest will be added for the month of Nov. and Dec. with the prize handed out at the progressive dinner or the Superbowl party - details to come). 

LOCK IN:  I have been told to inform you guys that great food will be there as well as a lot of fun and games and staying up late.  Put it on your calendars for Oct 29th.

Wow that was a lot of information for one post...Sorry!

~Until later

1 comment:

  1. yeah thanks andrew for making sure i knew i was the bad cop...i'll remember that!
