Thursday, January 28, 2010

SUPER Sunday

On Sunday, February 7, it's game on! First, wear your favorite football shirt to church and help us collect the SOUPer Bowl of Caring offering before and after worship. We'll be collecting money and food donations in our huge soup pots to be donated to Loaves and Fishes in Monroe.

Then, at 4:30pm, head over to the Price's house for our "Backyard Bowl." It's adults vs. kids flag football! Then we'll head inside for food, fun and commercials on TV. Everyone please bring a snack to share. This is fun for everyone, so plan on coming out and having a SUPER Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I as I recall, it was parents 8 scores, underlings 5 scores, and only then after we were winded. Keep practicing youth. Chad
